OOC Monster Studios

What's here?

     Pictures (includes kitties and Otakon)

     New: Pictures of Kaya (finally)

     OOC Monster Forums

     Day of the OOC Monster

     Ameryll's Art

     Ameryll's Stories/Fan Fiction

     Star Wars: From The Ashes (Star Wars Roleplaying Game)

     Star Wars: Weapons of Legacy (Star Wars Roleplaying Game)

     (Coming Soon) "Cats are Mammals"

     What is an OOC Monster?

     Star Wars Page

     Star Wars Links

     Other Links

Comic Strips:

     Go to: Comic Strip Index

     Go straight to: "Real-Player Character"

     (Coming Soon) "Cloak and Saber"

Webmasters: Ameryll (aka Jedi Rissa) and Sputnik
You can contact the OOC Monster Webmaster at: jedi (dot) rissa (at) gmail (dot) com