Items and Economy:


Basic Rules: 2

Resource Point Cost Table. 2

Weapons: 2

Weapon Modifiers: 3

Exotic Modifiers: 5

Throwing Weapons: 6

Melee Weapons: 6

Shields: 7

Shield Modifiers: 7

Body Armor: 7

Armor Mods: 8

Medical Equipment 9

Useful Misc. Items. 9

Skill Gate Items. 11

Vehicles: 11

Life Support Stress Burnout Times: 12

Vehicle Modules: 13

Droids: 16

Implants: 16

Explosives: 16


Basic Rules:

Items may grant bonuses and penalties. The bonuses and penalties should make sense for the item. In other words, your boots shouldn’t make you better at reading foreign languages. In addition, +skill type bonuses only apply to the one item you use in a challenge (so for a weapon attack, that’s the weapon you’re attacking with). This is to prevent players from having a host of low-quality items that all stack up  bonuses for a lethal combination at a bargain price.

The same is not the case for penalties. If you want to penalize yourself 6 ways from Sunday, with clunky armor that ruins your aim and also an inaccurate blaster, go ahead and be a Storm Trooper. That’s fine.

Unlike the old system, bonuses listed below are much more general. If a bonus may be applied several repeatedly, it will be listed below. So for instance, “Major Skill Bonus” adds +1 to a skill for 4 quality levels. But because it is repeatable, you could add a +2 bonus for 8 quality levels instead if you felt so inclined, though obviously this is very expensive.

The following item types no longer exist:

-Character items. These have been replaced by the Familiar and Partner skills.

Skill Bonuses:

Skill bonuses affect all variables in a skill activation except activation cost. To prevent cheap, powerful skill activation, you cannot gain a skill bonus higher than half the synergized level of the skill being modified. Skill bonuses don’t affect child skills. If you take “Major skill bonus: blasters”, that’s a bonus to every skill in the blasters tree, not a bonus to the blasters skill itself with side effects due to skill synergy. This broad bonus is intended to motivate players to try out different weapon skills in different situations.

There’s a complicated situation when a multi-skill activation happens, and different parts of the activation use different items. You can still have bonuses to those on items, however, the bonus only applies to the portion of the child challenge that uses the item with the bonus. That's a little confusing, so here's an example. I have a +2 to multitasking blaster. I use multitasking to spray and pray with the blaster, and also to give some inspiring orders. The spraying and praying is with the item with the multitasking bonus, so the multitasking penalty on that skill is lowered as if I had 2 more ranks of multitasking. The leadership part of the action doesn't involve any items; I'm just yelling at people. The multitasking penalty is as listed on my character sheet for the leadership part of the compound action.

Force Powers cannot be affected by skill bonuses unless there is something mystical about the item. Lightsabers are mystical, so they can boost Lightsaber Parry. A bacta tank is not, so it cannot boost Healing Trance. (A bacta tank could be implemented with the Familiar skill, however).

Resource Point Cost Table

Items now cost resource points instead of credits. An item’s base cost is 8 resource points, modified by a multiplier based on its quality level. Each 2 quality levels doubles the resource point cost. Here’s some sample resource point costs to save mathing.

-6: 1 point. (This is the minimum. Any lower and it’s free. I don’t want to go into fractional resource points.)

-5: 1 point. (Whee, rounding errors).

-4: 2 points.

-3: 3 points

-2: 4 points

-1: 6 points

0: 8 points

1: 12 points

2: 16 points

3: 24 points

4: 32 points

5: 48 points

6: 64 points

7: 96

8: 128

9: 192

10: 256

11: 384

12: 512

13: 768

14: 1024

15: 1536

16: 2048

17: 3072

18: 4096

Water Combat:

Weapons in Water:

Ranged weapons just don't work as well in water. Bullets slow down. Laser blasts decollimate. Electricity grounds. All ranged weapons in water deal 1 less damage per range increment crossed unless they have the Slow Projectile recipe. In addition, the boundary between air and water is often a deal-breaker. Ranged weapon attacks through the air-water boundary lose half their damage crossing that boundary, in addition to any other damage penalties.

Items in Water:

Taking your sensitive technology into an aquatic environment is a recipe for things going horribly, horribly wrong. Any item with Unreliable is just going to not work, possibly dangerously. You've been warned. In addition, items that aren't explicility built for water (such as a rebreather) will be considered Unreliable while immersed unless they have 3 stacks of Rugged or the equivalent amount of Durable Engineering.

Droids in Water:

Droids sink. They can walk along the bottom, but if you want them to float or swim, they need a Swim Kit. Droids are fine in space, so this is the droid equivalent of having to pay for a space suit. A droid with a swim kit can move with normal vehicle maneuverability at half their standard movement rate underwater, which is also what I'm setting as the standard for people in water.


In this season, all weapons are constructed from a unified weapon template, which is a standard blaster. They are then modified to exist in different weapon groups by applying weapon group recipes to them. So for instance, an exotic weapon is a weapon with the exotic recipe applied to it, which changes which weapon group is used for it.

·        Base quality level 0.

·        Costs 8 resource points.

·        3 damage.

·        Fire 20 shots, then a standard action with the “ready” tag to reload. Ammunition costs are covered by the maintenance of this item.


Weapon Scale:

In Star Wars, Bigger is Better! Several of the weapon recipes below are designated “Stopping Power” recipes. These are recipes that are useful for damaging enemies with high damage reduction. There is a limit to the number of Stopping Power recipes you can apply to a weapon based on its size. Each recipe you apply after you hit this limit is successively doubled in quality level cost (apply the cheaper recipes first). So if you have a tiny blaster, and you apply Armor Piercing and Enhanced Damage to it, instead of adding 2 and 3 quality levels, it’ll add 2*2 = 4 and then 3*4 = 12 quality levels. Choose the highest level on the chart that applies to your weapon.

Tiny                                                                    0 recipes.

Normal                                                             1 recipe.

Hands-Free                                                      2 recipes.

Large (2 handed)                                             3 recipes.

Emplaced.                                                        5 recipes.

Vehicle with N broadside of a Barn            6+N recipes.

Weapon Modifiers:

Charge Time                      -8           You must spend a full round charging this weapon before it can be fired.

                                                            This cannot be bypassed by action granters.

Unreliable                          -6           This item will periodically fail at the GM’s discretion, becoming

unusable, unstable, or possibly dangerous. This will not happen on

average more than once a session, but it might happen in a cluster.

Cannot be infrequently used.

No Damage                       -6           Change damage to 0 (secondary effects and pain damage still apply).

Cannot use other damage modifying recipes.


Melee                                  -5           Change to a melee weapon group. Cannot use range recipes. No longer

needs ammo.

Cooldown                          -4           You cannot fire again on the round after you fired, but no additional

action is necessary. Becomes -1 if “recock” or a magazine recipe are present.

Disposable                         -4           This weapon cannot be reloaded ever.

Inaccurate                          -4           -1 to attack challenges using this weapon. Repeatable

Infrequent Use                  -4           This weapon is locked into place on a vehicle that you’re not riding all

the time, or otherwise not practical to use regularly. Cannot be unreliable. If it shows up in more than half of a set of 4 modules, it’s not being infrequently used.

Limited Arc                         -4           This weapon can only fire 180 degrees or less.

Short Range                       -4           This weapon has half as long a range increment as normal.

One-shot Magazine         -4           Decrease magazine size to 1 shot before reloading. Cannot use                                                                                other magazine modifier recipes.

More Crew                         -4*         Two people need to operate this weapon together. They all spend their

                                                            actions, and the challenge thrown is equal to the weakest operator’s

challenge. Pooling efforts with this weapon requires another crew of equal size. You may repeat this recipe up to twice, doubling the crew size each time. Doing so provides half as much quality level benefit each time. All operators must pay the RP cost of the item. It is not shared.

Decrease Damage            -3           Decrease damage by 1. Repeatable

Stationary                          -3           You must take 1 standard action to deploy this weapon. It                                                                                          cannot be moved while deployed. Using this recipe makes the weapon a

                                                            Heavy Weapon

Big                                       -3           Two hands are required to use this item. Cannot be hands-free.

Recock                                -3           After firing, you must use a ready action to get the weapon ready to fire


Recoil                                  -2           Activating skills with this weapon has an additional 50% strength cost


Slow Projectile                  -4           The projectile from this weapon takes an extra round to arrive for every

2 range increments traversed. The projectile will follow the initial target if the target moves.

Retry                                   +6           The projectile from this weapon will attempt to attack the target again 2

                                                            rounds after failing to hit the first time. Must be slow projectile.

                                                            Repeatable. Each stack lets it try an additional time.

Dual Function                    -1           This weapon has unusual non-weapon-like functionality, such as

                                                            bonuses to defense. These bonuses are treated as a separate item, but

                                                            both items get -1 to quality so that you’re not paying twice as much.

                                                            This recipe exists to prevent things like a lightsaber that does not

                                                            damage but is super good at blocking being neutral quality.

Poison                                 0             Change the damage (or other effect) type to poison. The damage occurs

1 full round after hit.

Slow Poison                       -1           Double the delay before poison takes its effect. Repeatable. Must be


Obscure Poison                 +2           Increase the difficulty of diagnosing the poison by 1. Must be poison.

Awkward Clip                    -1           Reloading takes two ready actions instead of one.

Small Magazine                 -1           Half the size of the clip. Repeatable once.

Stun Only                            -1           This weapon only deals stun damage. It cannot affect mechanical

targets. Cannot be applied to weapons that deal no damage.

No Scope                            -1           Long Shot is half as effective while using this weapon.

Enhanced Clip                    +1           Double the size of the clip. Repeatable with geometric growth. Each

time redoubles the clip size geometrically.

Rugged                               +1           This item resists 1 extra point of stress, damage, disruption, or

disarmament. Repeatable. This is extra HP, not DR. Multi-function items must have rugged on all sub-functions for those functions to benefit.

Major Skill Bonus              +4           This item gives a bonus to a broad skill class, or to a very widely

applicable  skill (such as aimed shot, dodge or Piloting), or status effect.

Repeatable. See the section “Skill Bonuses” for more information.

Common Skill Bonus        +3           This skill gives a bonus to a skill that is not core to a build, but could be

used in many situations, such as Quick Attack, Long Shot, or Slicing.

Repeatable. See the section “Skill Bonuses” for more information.

Obscure Skill Bonus          +2           This skill gives a bonus to a skill that has few-but-specific applications,

such as Splint, Knowledge, or Holy Wrath. Repeatable. See the section “Skill Bonuses” for more information.


Tiny                                      +1           Cannot use this recipe with "Big". This weapon can                                                                                                       easily be concealed on your person. -1 damage.

Ion                                       +2           -1 damage vs. living targets. +1 damage vs. electronic targets.

Repeatable unless living damage would go below 0. Each stack of Ion increases damage reduction of target by 1, but damage reduction cannot increase to more than double the target’s starting damage reduction.

Automatic                          +2           Required to make multiple attacks per round with this weapon.

Kinetic                                 +2           Block leads to -1 on lightsaber parry (standard action clears).

Overcharge                        +1           You may spend 2 combat rounds charging up the blaster and attack on                                                                      the third round. If you do so, you may increase the damage by one per

stack of this recipe, up to double the normal damage. Repeatable.

Stopping power.

Enhanced Damage           +3           +1 weapon damage. Repeatable. Stopping Power.

Armor-Piercing                  +2           Reduce effectiveness of damage reduction by 1. Repeatable. Stopping


Hands-Free                        +3           You do not need to take an action to ready this weapon (but you do                                                                            need to take an action to operate it)

Infinite Clip                        +3           This weapon never runs out of ammo.

Skill Granter                       --            Just use the Familiar skill.

Skill Payload on Hit           +4           On hitting a target, activate a skill also targeting the target. Increase the

quality level of this item by 1 for each rank of the skill being used. So a

repulsor gun that activates Force Push at 4 would add quality level 8. If

the subsequent skill is automatically hitting (like a stolkhi stick that

activates Hold), add 2 more quality level.

Painful                                 +4           Pain damage for reeling purposes is increased by weapon damage.


Exotic Modifiers:

Modifiers from this list may give a weapon the "Exotic" or “Heavy” trait, unless it is a throwing weapon.

Trap                                     +0           This weapon is deployed as a trap instead of a weapon. Attack DC is 3.

Add 1 quality level for each additional DC. Exotic Weapons is required

 to place this trap—0 ranks for the base trap, +1 rank for each additional

 attack DC you add.

Chemical                            +1           Abilities that require the target be electronic are half-effective against

                                                            this item. -50% magazine size. -1 damage. Cannot be used with the Ion

recipe. Directed Parry does not work on this item's attacks.

Cleaving                              +2           Reduces the effectiveness of Take Cover against this weapon by 1.


Lock On                                             +3           +1 bonus to hit versus vehicles. You cannot take more than 3 stacks of

inaccurate with this recipe. Repeatable.

Suppressed                         +3           This weapon does not emit loud noises or bright flashes for the

purposes of Stealthy Action.

Wide Projectile                 +3           Cannot be lightsaber parried.

Small AOE                           +5           Your attack can hit all squares adjacent to the target for half damage.

Dodging an AOE attack is more difficult. -3 to hit. Cannot be lightsaber


Cone                                    +5           Your attack hits a 60-degree cone in front of you 2 squares deep. The

                                                            attack  is no longer ranged. Dodging an AOE attack is more difficult.

                                                            Cannot be lightsaber parried.

Larger Cone                       +4           Add 1 more range to the size of the cone. Repeatable.


Large AOE                          +8           Your attack can hit all squares within 2 squares of the target. For each

                                                            square away from the primary target, the damage is decreased by 1. -6

                                                            to hit. Cannot be lightsaber parried. Dodging an AOE attack is more


Persistent                           +8           The target area (just one square if it’s not AOE) delivers weapon payload

if occupied after the initial hit for one round.

Longer Persistence           +1           The duration of persistence is increased by a round. Repeatable.

Just for Places                   -6           You can only target unoccupied areas with this weapon. Requires


Throwing Weapons:

Throwing Weapon           -12         Range increment halved. Use Throwing Weapons group for this item.

Cannot use Magazine upgrades. The item is destroyed after use.

Heavy                                  -2           50% strength cost is added to skill activation. Repeatable.

Set of 4                               +2           Instead of getting 1 of the item, you get 4 of it.

Set of 10                             +3           Instead of getting 1 of the item, you get 10 of it.

Set of Many                       +6           Running out of these isn’t a problem. Carrying them is a problem.

Reusable                             +6           The item is not destroyed on use (for example, a throwing knife)

Melee Weapons:

The following recipes are only for melee weapons.

Melee                                  -5           Change to a melee weapon group. Cannot use range recipes.

Heavy                                  -2           50% strength cost is added to skill activation. Repeatable.

Attached                             +0           Can’t disarm, can’t throw, can’t put it down.

Dual                                     +1           Must be two handed. Can use two ends of this weapon for dual

                                                            wielding, even though it is just one weapon.

Heavy-Hitting                    +2           An enemy who blocks this weapon with melee block suffers -1 to next                                                                            melee block. Repeatable.

Collateral Damage           +1           +1 extra damage versus unattended objects. Repeatable. Damage

                                                            Reduction is increased to compensate for extra damage against things

                                                            with armor. If you want to open doors easily, try the Armor Piercing


Multi-Length                      +2           May be used as a short or long weapon for the purposes of                                                                                        inside/outside guard.

Shielded                              +3           The striking surface cannot take damage from any source.

Reach                                  +3           You can hit and extra square away. Repeatable.

Cutting                                +5           If blocked, deals weapon damage as stress to the thing doing the


So a lightsaber is a weapon with Melee, Shielded, Cutting, and big. It deals 3 damage on hit, and has a quality level of 1.


Take a melee weapon and add the “Cover” recipe to it, and it becomes a shield that you can use to block attacks by using take cover with it as a secondary function. Shields must have the dual function recipe. The recipes below apply only to shields.

Shield Modifiers:

Cover                                  +4           As a secondary function, the weapon now provides cover quality 4.

Stress on the weapon depletes a pool of 6 hp, and then reduces cover quality. Cannot be shielded.

Energy                                 -4           Only energy weapons are  blocked. Cannot be Cortosis.

Holographic                       -5           It doesn’t really block things, it just looks like it does. Keen Eye,

                                                            blindness, and enhanced senses reduce the quality of this cover. The

first time this item takes damage, it ceases to be able to block for the scene. On the bright side, it doesn’t need repairs.


Impeding                            -4           -1 to attacks with other weapons. Repeatable up to twice.

Decreased Toughness     -1           Removes 3 hp. Cannot be holographic. Repeatable.

Enhanced Toughness       +1           Adds 3 hp. Cannot be holographic. Repeatable.


Plantable                            +1           Can be placed on the ground as stationary cover.

Enhanced Coverage         +2           Adds 1 cover quality. Repeatable.

Toughened                         +3           Reduce non-energy damage to the shield by 1. Cannot be holographic.

Deflecting                          +3           Reduce energy damage to the shield by 1. Cannot be holographic.

Cortosis                              +3           Half damage from lightsabers. Lightsabers shut down on hit. Cannot be

energy. Cannot be holographic.


Replenishing                      +6           Must have the Energy recipe. If any HP are left, recovers 1                                                                                         hp/round. Cannot be holographic.

Body Armor:

Body armor changes the top quarter of your hit point bar into armor hit points instead of life hit points. Every day, your armor is fully repaired. In addition, armor may have hitpoint-granting properties. Base armor does not impede a character’s abilities, but because of the high quality costs of beneficial armor properties, it may be a good idea to get better armor.

In addition, armor can be bypassed via the widely available bypass armor skill. The difficulty of such a check depends on its Coverage rating. Coverage starts at 0. Low coverage armor can actually end up detrimental to the wearer against a precise attacker.

Armor Mods:

Disposible                           -6           This item cannot be repaired.

Emplaced                           -6           Once you put on this armor, you can’t move or activate skills with the

[movement] tag.

Clumsy                                -4           -1 to defenses. Repeatable.

Impeding                            -4           -1 to attacks. Repeatable.


Energy                                 -4           Only energy weapons are  blocked. Cannot be Cortosis.

Directional                         -4           Each round, pick a cardinal direction. Your armor is only effective in that


Powered                             -2           This armor relies on servos to help you move. Disrupting it will affect

                                                            your ability to perform physical actions.

Heavy                                  -2           +50% strength cost to physical skill activations. Repeatable.

Immobile                            -1           -1 base movement rate. Repeatable.

Multi-part                           -1           This armor covers half as much HP, and can be combined with another

multi-part armor to make things like body armor with an energy shield.

Extra Coverage                 +1           +1 Bypass Armor DC. Repeatable.

Deeper Armor                   +1           Doubles the % of your life bar that is changed to armor.

Advance Life                      +2           Adds 1 rank of Advance Life. Repeatable. 5 steps of this will almost

negate the 25% life loss from the armor HP.

Damage Reduction          +3           You cannot take defensive actions while in this armor, but damage is

reduced by 1 from all sources. Repeatable. You are immune to critical

effects that hit this armor. Cannot be clumsy. Cannot be impeding.

Made of Armor                 +3           Triples the % of your life bar that is changed to armor.

Major Skill Bonus              +4           This item gives a bonus to a broad skill class, or to a very widely

applicable  skill (such as aimed shot, dodge or Piloting), or status effect.

Repeatable. See the section “Skill Bonuses” for more information.

Common Skill Bonus        +3           This skill gives a bonus to a skill that is not core to a build, but could be

used in many situations, such as Quick Attack, Long Shot, or Slicing.

Repeatable. See the section “Skill Bonuses” for more information.

Obscure Skill Bonus          +2           This skill gives a bonus to a skill that has few-but-specific applications,

such as Splint, Knowledge, or Holy Wrath. Repeatable. See the section “Skill Bonuses” for more information.


Cortosis                              +3           Half damage from lightsabers. Lightsabers shut down on hit.

Replenishing                      +6           Must have the Energy recipe. If any armor HP are left, recovers 1                                                             hp/round.

Super Replenishing           +4           Requires replenishing. Increases rate of replenishment by 1. Repeatable.

Jetpack                               +8           8 square movement in any direction (no hover), straight line

Medical Equipment

This section is used for the items that support the First Aid skill. Equivalent droid-only items can be created for the Droid Repair skill, with identical stats.

Disposable Healing           -4           Heals 1 hp.

Stronger healing               +4           Add 1 hp to disposable Healing item

Set of 4                               +2           Instead of getting 1 of the item, you get 4 of it.

Set of 10                             +3           Instead of getting 1 of the item, you get 10 of it.

Set of Many                       +6           Running out of these isn’t a problem. Carrying them is a problem.

Poison Analyzer                2+           Adds +1 per 2 quality levels to diagnosis challenges about poison.

Bacta Tank                         Use Familiar rules with Healing Trance

Useful Misc. Items

The first number is quality level. The second is resource point cost.

Beckon Call System          0             8             Call your ship to fly over to you. Add N qlvl to set the slicing DC

to misuse this system at N.

Commlink                           -8           0             Acts like either a basic cellphone or a 2-way walkie talkie.

Data Cards                         -8           0             Floppy disks with a couple of gigabytes of storage. Increase Qlvl

                                                                           by 2 each time you multiply storage amount by a factor of 1000.

Flashlight                            -8           0             It’s a flashlight. You can clip it to your blaster if you want.

Circuit Mapper                  -              -              Use Familiar rules with Analyze Machine


Rebreather                         -4           2             Breath underwater or in bad air for 1 hour

Lockpick                             2+           16+        Each 2 ranks of Qlvl grants +1 to use Slicing on door locks.

Flare Gun                            -4           2             Provides bright light within 3 squares of the target, reducing

                                                                           stealth in the area by 3 and cancelling darkness-based

                                                                           circumstance bonuses.

Rope and Grapple             -6           1             100 feet with grappling hook.

Smoke Grenade                2X-6       2             Throwable. Create a 3x3 area of hard-to-see-through smoke.

Targeted abilities that pass through the smoking area are at –X to hit.

Oil Slick                               4X           32+        Throwable. Create a 3x3 area of slippery ground. Creatures

attempting to use skills with the movement tag in the area must defend with Beefy, Defensive Telekinesis or Survive Fall against ¼ the quality level of this item or be knocked down.

Grapple Shooter               -1           6             Gun that shoots grappling hook and an ascender. Uses blasters

or exotics skill. Rope not included.

Space Mask                        -3           3             Breath in vacuum for 1 hour

Tracker                               -4           2             Track target. Requires Keen Eye of 3 to find. Add 1 qlvl to add 1

DC to keen eye check, repeatable.

Macro Binoculars             -4           2             Luke's binoculars from Episode 4

Life Scanner                       -              -              Use Familiar skill with Sense Life

Practice Remote               2             16           1hp, Always dodges at +3. Fires sting bolts which deal 1 pain                                                                                           damage at +3 to hit.

Parachute                           -2           4             Protects you from falls of 200 feet or more, changing their

                                                                           effective height to be 10 feet.

Space Suit                           -1           6             As space mask, but also protect against heat/cold/radiation.

                                                                           2  hr air supply

Swim Kit                              -1           6             Allows a droid to swim with human maneuverability.

Holoprojector                   -3           3             Display nonrealistic 3D video

Holographic Decoy          -              -              Use Familiar skill with Stealth, or use as a skill-gate item with


Mouse Droid                      2             16           3 hp. Dodge of 2, Run of 2. Can carry up to 5 pounds. Can fit in                                                                                       small spaces and report what it sees. Can be fitted with 1 small                                                                                   item such as a light, camera, or a commlink.

Holorecorder                     -2           4             Display and record nonrealistic 3D video

Jeron Fusion Cutter          0             8             Cuts through walls and doors with DR of at most 5. Noisy, bulky,

and obvious. Not feasible for use as a weapon.

R2 Droid, Basic                  -              -              Use Companion skill with Repair and Piloting.s

Jedi holocron                     6             64           Records the memories and some of the Force presence of a

deceased Jedi master. Cost is listed for creation purposes, but you don’t actually have to maintain this.


Skill Gate Items

Skill gate items are items that are required to activate a skill. If you do not have the appropriate item, you must work with a -2 improvised tools penalty.

Skill gate items aren’t just negative, though. A skill gate item can have a +skill or a circumstantial +skill recipe on it, increasing its quantity level.

Unlike other items, you do not have to pay resource points for a vanilla skill gate item, so long as you have the skill.

The +2/3/4 listed is the quality level increase for (repeatably) adding skill level bonuses to the item. The base quality level is 0.

Splinting Kit                        +3           Required for using the Splint skill.

Climbing Gear                    +3           A harness, grippers, ropes, etc, for Climbing hard-to-climb surfaces.

Multitool                            +3           Required for Repair Item

Data Pad                             +3           A simple portable computer, required for Slicing.






Because a vehicle may be held by a group instead of an individual, I have broken up the components of a vehicle into subsystems that may be purchased individually. These systems are larger-grained than in previous seasons, however, to smooth out the process of creating a vehicle. Buying a vehicle with resource points will seems surprisingly inexpensive, because resource points measure the added effectiveness to a character of having the vehicle, not how difficult it is to acquire or maintain.

In particular, vehicles are cheap because you’re not always in one.

A vehicle may have the following systems:

Mobility: This system is typically owned by the pilot of the vehicle. Improvements to the mobility of a vehicle might make it go faster, or be harder to hit on the move. This system also determines where the vehicle goes; on ground, air, sea, or space.

Scale: This system determines how big the vehicle is, and includes floor plan details like how much of the vehicle has life support, and what the layout of rooms might be like. Improvements to scale make the vehicle bigger and able to carry more cargo and passengers. Bigger vehicles, however, are easier to shoot at. There aren’t hard guidelines for how big each of a ship’s components are, but generally you should think about quality and proportions. If a ship has a super high quality mobility segment, most of its interior area should probably be taken up with engines and generators and such. If it has some super-powered guns, those should be bigger than a gun technically has to be. If it’s got thick armor with lots of DR and good coverage, some ship area ought to be dedicated to that. In general, in Star Wars, bigger is better. There is very little miniaturization.

Toughness: This system determines how hard it is to inflict stress on the vehicle. It includes starting hit points, damage reduction, and optionally a separate shield generator.

Ship Weapons: Each weapon system is handled separately. Just use the blaster rules for these.

In addition to the systems mentioned above, ships have implied systems, whose existence is only used for calculating stress when the vehicle takes damage. Mobility can be divided into hyperdrive and sublights, as well as the power system that drives them all. Scale is  divided between crew, cargo, and life support.

When a vehicle is damaged, choose a random component to take the damage. If the attacker wishes to damage a specific component (“targeting a hard point”), this increases the difficulty to hit by 2, but damage reduction and armor coverage are halved. Attacking a specific component does not benefit from Broad Side of a Barn. Each point of damage to a system decreases challenges involving it by 1. For instance, engines affect piloting. Weapons affect the possibility of dealing damage. Damaged life support puts the crew on a clock to fix the problem. Hitting the crew cabin results in explosions that damage people aboard the ship (this can be very deadly due to the damage of the weapons involved). Damage to the power system means there’s not enough power for everything on the ship. A character with Piloting or Engineering of 3 or better chooses a subsystem to take the stress of being depowered as a standard action. If no one’s available to take this action, all systems suffer the penalty. If the engines receive more stress than the pilot's piloting skill, the vehicle begins a controlled descent. If the engines are stressed by more than double the pilot's piloting skill, the vehicle begins an uncontrolled descent and it would be best to abandon it before it explodes in a fiery crash of dooooooom.

Life Support Stress Burnout Times:

  1. Being on the ship is uncomfortable. It’s hot or cold or the gravity’s broken. No showers, but you can limp to a port.
  2. If the ship is at full crew, there’s not enough air to go around. If so, in 12 hours, the ship’s air gets bad enough that people need to start making challenges versus “Beefy” or “Stalwart of Mind” to stay conscious. They won’t die of asphyxiation, but it’s hard to pilot a ship when you’re unconscious. Start with a challenge DC of 1 and add 1 for each subsequent hour.
  3. The above situation can take place even if you’re not at full crew. If you are at full crew, things get bad in only 6 hours.
  4. Risk of unconsciousness in just an hour. Risk of death in 12.
  5. Life support is an immediate problem. DCs of all actions aboard are increased by 1 due to lack of inertial compensation, intense heat, intense cold, toxic vapors, or any other of a variety of hazards. Start making the asphyxiation checks after 5 minutes, increasing DC every minute.
  6. Conditions are sufficiently bad as to inflict damage. Maybe there’s smoke. Maybe there’s radiation. Deal 1 damage every minute.

7+.  Increase the hazards in scale, DC, or pacing as appropriate.

10+. This might represent your ship being opened to the cold hard vacuum of space, with people having to hang onto objects to avoid being ripped out by the wind. DC 5 slow fall, defensive telekinesis, assisted catch, beefy type challenge, with the decompression being more violent at higher stress numbers. Even if you hang on, decompression will do serious, unavoidable bodily harm, and then there’s the lack of air.



Vehicle Modules:


You may add the following recipes to any ship’s subsystem.

Unreliable                          -6           This item will periodically fail at the GM’s discretion, becoming

unusable, unstable, or possibly dangerous. This will not happen on

average more than once a session, but it might happen in a cluster. Cannot be infrequently used.

Not Enough Power           -1           There is not actually enough power to run this subsystem. You must use

                                                            an action to turn some other system off before turning this one on.


By default, a vehicle moves 8 squares per round on normal terrain, and provides no bonuses to piloting checks. A default vehicle accelerates or decelerates by 50% of its top speed per round. A default vehicle has a turning radius equal to twice its length when it’s operating at speed. When not operating at speed, it has the same turn rate, but doesn’t have to travel forwards or backwards (i.e. it’s doing a K turn).

The following recipes are available to modify mobility:

No Defenses       -8           This vehicle has no armor or shields. Even a hand blaster would pose a serious

threat to it.

Squirrely              -4           -1 bonus to piloting checks in this vehicle. Repeatable.

Slow                     -2           Can’t be speedy. Cuts the speed in half. Repeatable, unless this would reduce

speed to less than 1.


Weird Controls   -2           This ship cannot be operated by pilots with less than 5 ranks in Piloting.

Sucks in atmo     -2           Requires Space. This vehicle maneuvers poorly in atmosphere, providing a -1 to

                                             piloting checks. Repeatable up to a total of -3.

Underpowered   -1           Cuts this vehicle’s acceleration/deceleration in half.

Turns Poorly       -1           Quadruples the turning radius.

Slow Navacomp -1           Your navi-computer takes an extra 2 rounds to jump out even once you leave a

mass shadow. Must be hyperspace.

Terrain                 +1           This vehicle can go in the water, or submerge under water (requires being able

                                             to go on the water) or burrowing through the ground.

                                             Profession Pilot can pay for this. You must have at least 1 rank in piloting to

                                             operate this. Movement rates are halved in the water, and divided by 10 while

digging through the ground.


Covert Shroud    +1           +2 to piloting challenges to break a tractor beam. Repeatable. You may only use

the Covert Shroud once per module.

Hovering              +1           Can’t be flying. This vehicle hovers a short distance off the ground, allowing it to

ignore some kinds of difficult terrain. Profession Pilot pays for this.

Flying                    +2           This vehicle is capable of atmospheric flight. Profession Pilot pays for this. You

                                             must have at least 2 ranks in piloting to operate this.

Space                   +1           This vehicle is capable of space flight. Profession Pilot pays for this. You

                                             must have at least 3 ranks in piloting to operate this. Requires Flying.

Hyperspace         +1           Requires Space. This ship has a hyperdrive of its own. Profession Pilot pays for

                                             this. You must have at least 3 ranks in piloting to operate this.

Speedy                 +3           Doubles this vehicle’s movement rate. Repeatable.

Maneuverable    +4           +1 bonus to piloting checks in this vehicle. Repeatable.


By default, your vehicle takes up 2 map squares.

No life support                  -1           No life support system. Space suits must be worn in this ship.

Junk Interior                      -1           Structural elements are plainly visible, meaning a light arms fight inside

                                                            the ship might do serious damage. People seeing the interior will say:

                                                            “What a piece of junk!”

Broad Side of a Barn        +1           Quarduple the area of the vehicle. Each time you apply this recipe, the

 range increment of attacks against the vehicle is also doubled so long as

it started at 20 feet. If the vehicle is stationary, each rank of Broad Side

of a Barn grants +1 to hit. Profession Pilot pays for this.

Nice Interior                      +1           The appointments inside are very high quality. Like people will stop and

say: “Nice digs!”

Luxurious Interior             +1           Requires nice interior. Your ship is a nicer place to stay than all but the

best places planet-side.

Ostentatious Interior       +1           Requires Luxurious Interior. This ship isn’t about being nice to live on.

                                                            It’s about impressing people, and it does its job.

Improve Class                    +4           Damage to this vehicle is reduced by 1 for each stack of class

                                                            improvement this vehicle has and the attacker doesn’t have.

                                                            Repeatable. This damage reduction is halved if the attacker targets a

                                                            hard point. Cannot have more than one stack per 2 broad side of a barn.

                                                            Each stack quadruples the minimum crew size (it starts at 1). To be

                                                            considered crew, a character needs at least 4 ranks in Piloting,

                                                            Engineering, Repair, or some other skill that’s clearly needed for day-to-

                                                            day operation. They can be Companions or they can be NPCs you have

                                                            convinced to man the station. People manning weapons’ stations do not

                                                            count towards crew for this calculation. Ships operating at less than

                                                            minimum crew operate at -2 piloting for each time you halve the crew

                                                            size compared to the minimum. (Round this penalty up.)




It’s not like you can just shoot up a vehicle and expect it to explode instantly. By default, vehicles have 5 hp of armor with 2 points of damage reduction and 4 coverage. Once these are destroyed, then damage starts leaking (without reduction) to the other components. You can pay to increase a vehicle’s toughness. Doing so is its own separate item that you pay resource points for. Armor is repaired between modules.

No Mobility                        -4           This vehicle does not have a mobility subsystem and thus can’t move.

Use this for prefab turrets.

Directional                         -4           Each round, pick a cardinal direction. Your armor is only effective in that


Fragile                                 -3           Decrease the damage reduction of the vehicle’s armor by 1. Repeatable,

but DR can’t drop below 0.

Unstable Components     -2           Multiply each point of stress that comes in by an extra factor.


Flies Like a Tub                  +0           -1 penalty to piloting checks in this vehicle and cut speed in half, +1

                                                            damage reduction, coverage,  and armor HP for the toughness module.

                                                            Repeatable up to the number of times this vehicle has Broad Side of a

                                                            Barn. Speed cannot be dropped to 0 this way. Cannot be immobile.

More Armor                       +1           Add 1HP to the armor subsystem. Repeatable.

More Coverage                 +1           Add 1 coverage to the armor. Repeatable.

Fault Tolerant                    +1           Each module other than toughness and shields has 1 additional stress it

can receive before functionality degrades. Repeatable.

Hardened Armor               +3           Increase the damage reduction of the vehicle’s armor by 1. Repeatable.

Energy Shields:

Vehicles may be equipped with an energy shield. This is a separate component that must be purchased. By default, a vehicle’s shield has 5hp, 2 damage reduction, 4 coverage, and recharges between scenes. A default shield has a quality level of 3. A capital ship might have multiple shield generators; the shields are localized to specific sections of the ship rather than overlapping.

Ship energy shields are not bypassed by projectile attacks, but if you can get inside them, you can bypass them that way.

Directional                         -4           Each round, pick a cardinal direction. Your armor is only effective in that


Fragile                                 -3           Decrease the damage reduction of the vehicle’s shields by 1.

Repeatable. DR cannot drop below 0.

No Particles                       -2           Only blocks energy damage

More Shields                      +1           Add 1HP to the armor subsystem. Repeatable.

More Shield Coverage     +1           Add 1 coverage to the shields. Repeatable.

Hardened Shields              +3           Increase the damage reduction of the vehicle’s shields by 1. Repeatable.

Replenishing Shields         +6           Recover 1 point of shields per combat round so long as they are active.

Faster Replenishment      +4`         Increase recovery rate by 1. Repeatable. Requires Replenishing Shields.

Stressing shields decreases their maximum shield capacity.

Cloaking Device:

A cloaking device renders the ship invisible to the world and the world invisible to the ship. Normal cloaking devices are for ships roughly the size of a Correllian Corvette (Broad Side of a Barn rating 5). Larger or smaller ships will require more expensive cloaking devices. A cloaking device cannot be bought on the open market; you must know someone who has access to cloaking technology and is willing to provide it, steal one, or be some kind of super-genius engineer.

A basic cloaking device starts at quality level 6.

Wrong Size                         +1           The ship is 1 size category larger or smaller than 5. Repeatable.

Tractor Beam:

A tractor beam is a heavy weapon that deals no damage. Instead, its payload is to make it difficult to escape. A tractor beam has a strength rating representing its ability to pull stuff. A successful hit with a tractor beam imposes a penalty to piloting challenges equal to the strength rating when trying to fly more than 45 degrees away from the direction of pull. If piloting is reduced to 0 by such a penalty, such a maneuver is not possible. Attempting to dodge fire while being tractored is difficult. A penalty to such piloting challenges of strength rating/4 is applied. Multiple tractor beams on the same ship will not increase the strength rating of the lock, but can decrease options for maneuvering if they come from different directions. A critical success increases the strength of the pull by 50%.

A tractor beam is a 2 way force, meaning small ships can’t pull big ships. The maximum strength rating a tractor beam can exert is equal to 4 * the difference in scale between the two ships, +1 * the difference in speed between the two ships. So a big ship with big engines can pull really well, provided it has a strong enough tractor beam. Tractor beams can benefit or be penalized by some weapon recipes, but bear in mind that it inherently has 0 damage, is a heavy weapon, is emplaced, takes up two hand slots, and has a one-shot magazine and 2-round reload time. (It is not possible to remove these negative recipes). A basic qlvl 0 tractor beam comes with 4 pull strength. If you want more, you have to pay for it with quality levels.

A pilot may use a standard action to try to break out of the beam if their piloting is not reduced to 0 by the penalties, or if they have a covert shroud. The DC is equal to the challenge thrown to establish the tractor beam lock.

Stronger Beam                  +1           Add 1 to pull strength. Repeatable.

Covert Shroud Resistance +1        Add 1 to DC of using a covert shroud to escape the beam. Repeatable.

Gravity Well Generator:

A gravity well generator allows a ship to prevent other ships in the area from entering hyperspace. The gravity well area affected is a few hundred miles across, centered on the ship projecting it. The gravity is micro-scale—just enough to throw off hyperdrive computers, but not enough to be physically sensible unless you were foolish enough to walk next to the generators while they’re operating. Ships attempting to enter hyperspace in the affected area cannot, and ships entering the area at hyperspace speeds are yanked out of hyperspace suddenly and without warning, though no damage is done to their ship systems.

Gravity well generators are big, taking up 15 grid square (i.e. 75 feet) across sphere. For purposes of calculating how much of your ship’s area that would eat up, consider it to be 450 grid squares of usable area, so don’t bother putting a gravity well generator on a ship of scale less than +5. (It technically fits on a +4 scale ship, but there’d be almost no room for anything else, and you’d want a decent sized generator to power the damn thing). It is not possible to move the ship at significant speed while the gravity well generator is operating.

A gravity well generator ceases to operate if it takes 6 stress. It has a quality level of 6. It takes 20 rounds of flight (-1 per speedy stack) to get to the edge of the gravity field. It is not possible to start calculating the jump to hyperspace until the gravity field is gone.

It is also possible to trim the gravity generator to black out a cone instead of a sphere, so that only specific places or ships are prevented. Doing so requires 4 piloting or 4 engineering and a standard action.


Droids are now handled by the Companion skill.


For skill granting or enhancing implants, rules already exist. For an artificial limb replacement, the quality level is 4 for purposes of paying for acquiring it, but you do not have to pay for its upkeep.



Explosives are governed by use of the demolitions skill. Explosives have a complexity level and cannot be used if your demolitions skill is below the complexity level. Some items can only be used in combination with other items and will change the existing complexity level rather than having one of their own. If large amounts of an explosive are used, it may increase the complexity. All explosives setups need an ignition source and a main driver. Prices listed here are production prices. Usually list price is higher because of the difficulty of handling and moving these items, and potential legal repercussions.

The anti-personnel applications of these explosives are limited—you can make someone’s environment unpleasant by destroying the building they’re in, but the timing on the detonators isn’t fine enough to use for proximity mines. See the traps and throwing weapons sections for anti-personnel explosives.

The Signature Item skill applies to a whole category rather than one individual explosive. The player picks which category to apply the signature to per session.

Set of 4                +2           Instead of getting 1 of the item, you get 4 of it.

Set of 10              +3           Instead of getting 1 of the item, you get 10 of it.

Breaching Chg    Qlvl -1   6 RP                      Magnetically attached all-in-one charge for opening most

Cplx 1                                  armored doors.

Detcord                              Qlvl 0     8RP/5ft                Detcord is used to cut through structures and armor. It has a

Cplx 2                                  sticky adhesive backing to apply it to the target surface.

Bulk Explosives   Qlvl -2   4RP                       Cheap, dumb explosives made from home chemicals. High

Cplx 6                                  complexity represents their tendency to detonate when you

don’t want them to.

Sabotage Chg     Qlvl 0     8RP                       A grenade-sized adhesive charge used to disable machines.

Cplx 3                                  Inflicts 10 stress to a machine, or 5 damage to a piece of armor.

Seismic Charge   Qlvl 4     32RP                     Sends out a 2-d wave of cutting energy that penetrates through

Cplx 6                                  rock like tissue paper. Popular with asteroid miners.

Sequencer Chg   Qlvl 2     16RP                     Must be placed on exposed access points of a facility’s power

Cplx 5                                  grid. Draw their power from the base’s power—thus, very

powerful for their size.

Plunger Fuse       Qlvl -8   0RP        Cplx +0  Your standard handle you push down to make boom, with 100

 feet of conductive cable. Extra cable is 50cr/100ft. Handle is

 reusable, cable is not.

Time Fuse            Qlvl -6   1RP        Cplx +1  Your standard digital countdown fuse, with dramatic display.

Remote Fuse      Qlvl -4   2RP        Cplx +2  A detonator that can be set off via commlink transmission.


Services are one-time RP costs, taken from your free resource points (or perhaps from selling items).

Transport, Public                             8RP per person per planet hop.

Transport, Private                           16RP per person per planet hop. 8 squares of cargo counts as one person.

Transport, Discreet                         32 RP per person per planet hop. 8 squares of cargo counts as one


Holonet Call                                      8RP per hour per planet hop. 4x rate if political jurisdictions are crossed.

Medical Services, Bacta                 8RP per HP recovered. 4x recovery rate.

Medical Services, Diagnostic        Qlvl = level of diagnosis check. Takes a scene.

Academic Services                           Qlvl = level of knowledge check. Takes weeks.

Information Gathering (shady)     Qlvl = level of slicing or knowledge check. Takes weeks.

Send an Item somewhere              4RP per planet hop for normal sized items.

Courier                                               4RP per planet hop.

Encrypted Communication            Qlvl = level of slicing check - 1.

Intergalactic Comms, Holo           64RP per hour

Intergalactic Comms, Voice          32RP per hour

Intergalactic Comms, Small Data 16RP per item

Intergalactic Comms, Big Data     8x cost to store, minimum 16RP

Intergalactic Comms, Text only   16RP per hour.



Commlinks are harder or easier to jam based on what they’re embedded in. You need a certain quality level jammer to overcome different things. In addition, a commlink’s quality may be increased by N to increase the quality necessary to jam it by N. It is not possible to jam wired communication. Some exotic systems may not be jammable.

Common Commlinks,      10 blocks             Quality 3

Vehicle Commlinks,          1 mile                   Quality 4

Small Ships,                        City sized             Quality 5

Large Ships, Buildings      Continent sized  Quality 6

Interplanetary                   Planetary             Quality 8